First Nations

First Nations people In North America have inherited a legacy of psychological, social, economic and spiritual challenges. Colonization, including the residential school system, have damaged and distorted traditions, identity and important family and community relationships. Violence, substance abuse, economic hardship and a profound sense of loss and hopelessness are widespread, and individual, family and cultural trauma is epidemic in many nations and communities.

Much of the ongoing dysfunction is attributable to the systemic, inter generational damage which exists in important attachment relationships, particularly those between parents and children. These attachment disorders have arisen from the disruption of family relationships through colonization, residential school and the destruction/neglect of traditional values and practices. Disordered attachment, without intervention, is simply passed on from one generation to another.

The good news is that attachment patterns can be changed. Workshops for couples, parent education training, traditional healing practices and individual/relationship/family therapy can all be viable approaches for addressing destructive and unhealthy relationships at both the family and larger community levels. It is possible, with guidance, support and commitment, to learn different, more caring and respectful ways of interacting with others. We can also begin to exercise better judgement with regard to the people that we pick to be our intimate partners and close friends.

Trauma underlies much of the distress, abuse and addiction that occurs and, like attachment disorder, it is treatable. Many individuals have simply given up on dealing with their traumatic symptoms, while others feel that they cannot trust anyone, as it was those in positions of trust who hurt and violated them. Once again, traditional healing and mainstream therapies provide relief for those willing and able to access these services.

First Nations services are offered as follows:


  • Individual sessions tailored to your particular needs
    • Cost: $165/1 hour session
  • 2 day workshop offered at your site/location
    • Cost: $3350 plus expenses
  • “Pieces Coming Together” is a 2 day workshop, specifically focused on First Nations trauma, including that of Residential School Survivors.
    • Cost: $3350 plus expenses

*The option of holding sessions at your site offers the benefits of convenience, reduced cost, and some flexibility with course content. The above prices are based upon services delivered in the lower mainland vicinity of British Columbia but, upon request, pricing can be provided for delivering the program in your community.