
Addiction is a medical/psychological condition that profoundly affects brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these neural circuits leads to biological, psychological, social and spiritual challenges that are reflected in individuals pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other addictive behaviors. Addiction is characterized by the inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and dysfunctional emotional responses. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, this disorder can have serious negative impacts on family, work and health.


It is now widely believed that addictive substances and behaviours literally hijack the brain’s neurochemistry and actually replace the function of important neurotransmitters. When an addict attempts to stop their behaviour, the brain circuitry basically refuses to accept or return to it’s original function, and the individual is left anxious, depressed, craving and/or anhedonic (unable to experience enjoyment from normally pleasurable activities). Even once the neurophysiology stabilizes, the addictive personality continues to attempt to “seize control” of thoughts, emotions and behaviour, making recovery/sobriety an ongoing challenge.


Treatment can take a number of different courses and must be based upon a thorough understanding of the particular individual’s addictive profile. Residential programs can be helpful, but only if individuals have, through counselling and/or their own initiative, created a healthy support system and other lifestyle infrastructure to maintain recovery once they are discharged. The addictive personality is extremely powerful and alternative rewards, constructive activities, social engagement and therapy must be firmly established and immediately available upon return. There is often a significant risk of relapse when addicts come home to the same triggering circumstances, and so management of environment and social contacts is imperative.


Addiction services are offered as follows:


  • Individual sessions tailored to your particular needs
    • Cost: $165/1 hour session
  • Workshops and presentations
    • Contact for pricing

*The option of holding sessions at your site offers the benefits of convenience, reduced cost, and some flexibility with course content. The above prices are based upon services delivered in the lower mainland vicinity of British Columbia but, upon request, pricing can be provided for delivering the program in your community.